Tezpur University Recruitment 2017- TU is going to empanel eligible candidates for consideration of engagement as Guest Faculty for the Department of Commerce. The remuneration will be as per the provision of UGC guidelines. Eligible candidates may apply as per the detailed advertisement available in the website www.tezu.ernet.in. ADVERTISEMENT NO. 15/2017
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1. Dean, Academic Affairs, Tezpur University.
2. Dean, School of Management Sciences, Tezpur University.
3. Head, Department of Commerce, Tezpur University.
4. Finance Officer, Tezpur University, for information.
5. Vice Chans. Recruitment Body
6. Assistant Registrar (GA),'Tezpur University.
7. M/s Exclusive Advertising Pvt. Ltd., 8, GNB Road, Panbazar,
Guwahati-781001 (e-mail:exadvt@gmail.com),
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8. Webmaster, Tezpur University, with a request to float the
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Interested candidates can submit their bio-data through the email.
Last date:- 08/12/17
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Tags: tezpur university mba, tezpur university engineering, tezpur university application form, tezpur central university, tezpur university prospectus 2016, tezpur university entrence exam 2016